Far beyond waiting lists...

Mission Betrayed exposes the toxic, destructive reality of the modern Veterans Health Administration. Going well beyond the delayed appointments of the Wait List Scandal of 2014, Professor Michael J. Mann, MD, documents the unnecessary suffering, at times to the point of death, inflicted upon American veterans. The book unveils a system propped up on deceptive statistics, and on a carefully crafted concealment of the mediocrity, indifference, and malice that have persisted despite a so-called “VA transformation.” Filled with real-life stories of veterans who have been needlessly harmed or killed, the book exposes the system’s desperate desire both to maintain and to disguise the shocking truth behind its present day appearance. Mission Betrayed reveals both medical and administrative VA practices, including the withholding of potentially life-saving surgeries, that reveal the public outrage to date to be focused only on a very small facet of an enormous, seething crisis.

Mission Betrayed sheds a harsh light on the full,
troubling depth of abuse and neglect
suffered by American veterans under today’s Veterans Health Administration

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